Do you ship to Russia?

Updated Oct 5th 2020: Suspension of all shipments to Russia

Due to FedEx restrictions, we have suspended all shipments to Russia with immediate effect. Orders that are already placed will be canceled and refunded in full. The situation is out of our control, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We offer free express shipping by FedEx to Russia for all orders over US$300. 

Please note that there are currently restrictions by Russian authorities on knives been imported by individuals via express couriers. Due to regulatory issues in Russia, only companies with an import license can apply to have knives imported via express courier such as FedEx. If you have such a license, please let us know so we could provide it to FedEx for clearance, otherwise all knife orders to Russia will have to be sent via Postal Service.

Postal Suspension due to COVID-19

Please note that due to COVID-19, postal service to Russia is currently suspended. It is currently not possible for us to send knives to individuals in Russia, unless you possess an import license approved by Russian authorities. If you placed a knife order, we'll hold the product(s) for you until postal service resumes. You can cancel your order and receive a full refund anytime before the order is shipped.

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